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Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of leukemia in Iran

Leukemia diagnosis with blood test and bone sampling in Iran

What are the symptoms of leukemia? / Leukemia diagnosis with blood test and bone sampling in Iran / Leukemia treatment in Iran / The best oncology hospitals and clinics for the treatment of leukemia in Iran / The best oncology and hematology specialist for the treatment of leukemia in Iran

The cost of chemotherapy in Iran: average 2000-3000 dollars (depending on the type of drug used and the number of chemotherapy sessions)

The cost of radiotherapy in Iran: 140-1500 dollars

Average stay in Iran: 10-25 days
Return to work after chemotherapy and leukemia treatment: 10-15 days
Place of hospitalization: Specialized hospitals for the treatment of leukemia in Iran
Duration of hospital stay: Depends on the course of treatment.
Other services: Hotel - Ticket - Medical visa - Tourist services in Iran
Free services: City tour in Tehran - Digital medical booklet - Telemedicine (doctor online visit) - Nursing and treatment services in the hotel


Leukemia treatment

Leukemia is one of the most dangerous cancers that should be treated with extreme caution. In this article, we are going to talk about leukemia treatment in general. But before moving on to treatment, you need to know a little about this vital fluid and know about leukemia, its symptoms, and how to diagnose it.

Blood, which averages 8% of total body weight, plays a very important role in body function. By circulating in the body's vascular system, blood provides oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and antibodies to various organs. Blood is made up of approximately equal amounts of plasma (the fluid that moves cells, expels excess food, etc.), and blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets). .

The development of cancer in the blood is often due to abnormal or excessive production of white blood cells. About 10 percent of all cancers each year are due to leukemia. Leukemia, which includes subtypes of leukemia, lymphoma or lymphoma, and bone marrow cancer, is more common in men than women. Leukemia, on the other hand, accounts for about 25 percent of all childhood cancers.

So we are dealing with a common disease that we must recognize the symptoms and take care of it.


According to cancer experts, some leukemias may cause symptoms such as extreme tiredness, weight loss, night sweats, or swollen lymph nodes, and some leukemias may have no signs or symptoms. Slowly grow over the years.

Leukemia treatment can also include a wide range of treatments, from supervised activity therapies without direct treatment to standard cancer treatments, including immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies.

Despite the more than 100 types of leukemia that have been identified so far, accurate diagnosis of leukemia takes precedence over treatment options.


Read more about Cause of leukemia | Why do we get leukemia?.

What is blood?

Blood is made up of four main parts:

Plasma: A fluid that is a part of the blood that transports nutrients, excretes excess substances, proteins and other molecules that affect the function of different parts of the body. Plasma is responsible for regulating blood temperature and balancing fluids in the body.

Red blood cells: These are the cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen to the lungs and internal tissues of the body.

White blood cells: These are responsible for protecting against infections. Leukemia treatment

Platelets: These are the cells that cause blood clots and prevent bleeding.


What is leukemia?

Cancer is caused by dysfunction in cell growth and abnormal cell division behaviors. In a healthy body, white blood cells are usually produced on a regular basis to be replaced by older cells that die. In general, the main cause of all cancers is the overproduction of some cells in the body. Depending on where in the body and in which organ this cellular behavior takes place, it can cause different types of cancer.


Types of leukemia

There are three general types of leukemia:

Leukemia is a cancer of white blood cells or cells that turn into white blood cells. This type of cancer prevents white blood cells from fighting infections that enter the body. Leukemia can be acute (fast-growing), severe (slow-growing), or it can affect lymphocytes (lymphocyte leukemia), or it can affect immune cells (bone marrow leukemia). This type of leukemia is more common in children under 15 years of age. Leukemia treatment

Lymphoma is a cancer of the body's lymphatic system (an important part of the immune system). Especially in the lymph nodes (small bean-shaped structures in the lymphatic system that filter harmful substances). This cancer affects white blood cells called lymphocytes. This type of leukemia is the most common among adults, accounting for half of all cases of leukemia.

Bone marrow (Myeloma) is a cancer that affects the blood plasma, which is lymphocytes that produce antibodies to fight infections. Bone cancer affects the immune system and weakens it against infections.

For more information, it is better to read the article on different types of leukemia.


Chances of getting leukemia

The risk factors for leukemia have not yet been fully identified, although doctors believe that leukemia is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

Smoking, exposure to dangerous radiation or chemicals such as benzene (which is widely used in various industries) are all factors that increase the risk of developing leukemia. Epstein-Barr virus and HIV, along with leukemia virus or T-cell lymphoma, are also factors that can increase the chances of developing various types of lymphoma and leukemia from leukemia.



Read more about Cancer treatment in Iran.

Symptoms of leukemia

Before discussing the treatment of leukemia, it is better to know the signs and symptoms of this cancer.


Symptoms include:




General weakness

Bone and joint pain

Weight loss treatment of leukemia

Swelling of the lymph nodes, liver and spleen are also common symptoms of this cancer. In some cases of leukemia, anemia may also occur.


However, if you have a family history, it is best to see a specialist for diagnostic tests.

Read more about Frequently Asked Questions About Cervical Cancer.


Diagnosis of leukemia

Leukemia: To diagnose this type of leukemia, your doctor will perform a CBC test, which can count and identify abnormal levels of white blood cells in proportion to the number of red blood cells and platelets.

Lymphoma: For this type of leukemia, the doctor should do a biopsy or biopsy. During this procedure, the doctor removes a small portion of the target tissue and examines it under a microscope in the laboratory. In some cases, your doctor may also use X-rays, CT scans, or PETs to take pictures of swollen lymph nodes. Treatment for leukemia

Bone marrow: In this case, the doctor uses a CBC or other blood test to check for chemicals or proteins produced during the development of bone marrow cancer. In some cases, a bone marrow biopsy, X-ray, MRI, PET, and CT scan may be needed. These tests can determine the presence or extent of bone marrow cancer.


Read more about Radiotherapy in Iran.

Leukemia treatment methods

Leukemia is a disease that, unlike many other cancers, has little chance of being cured. Especially in the above stages and in case of late diagnosis. But that does not mean it is incurable. Treatment for leukemia depends on the type of leukemia the person has, the patient's age, how fast the cancer has progressed, and whether or not the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).


In recent decades, methods of treating leukemia have made great strides, and many types of leukemia are now completely curable. The most common treatments for leukemia are:

Chemotherapy: Anticancer drugs enter the body in various ways (injections, oral medications, etc.) to either kill the cancer cells or stop them from growing further. Leukemia treatment

Radiotherapy: This type of leukemia treatment uses powerful rays to kill cancer cells.

Targeted treatment: This type of leukemia treatment uses drugs that are specifically designed to kill benign cancer cells to treat cancer without damaging normal cells. Targeted therapies are more commonly used to treat leukemia.

Stem cell transplantation: Healthy stem cells can be injected into the body to help maintain the normal production of healthy blood cells. Cells that kill benign cancer cells during their treatment.

Cancer surgery: This treatment involves using surgery to remove cancer-affected lymph nodes to treat lymphoma.

Immunotherapy: This treatment activates the body's immune system to specifically kill cancer cells on its own.





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